Friday, October 31, 2008

Ibalong Street Presentation [Pictures]

The festival is highlighted by a street presentation in the afternoon of October 30, 2008 where masks of heroes and villains are paraded on mainstreets, combined with songs and dances from the colorful participating groups from the different parts of the region.

Abaca fabrics and locally found indigenous materials were used as costumes as part of the rules imposed by the organizers for competing participants. The more creative, more colorful and more energetic presentation depicting the history of Ibalong Epic has more chance to take home the P500,000.00 prize money.

Monday, October 27, 2008

"MOMMY" After 15 Years - Entry for October 27, 2008

"MOMMY" Maricel......that is how we fondly call her fifteen (15) years ago. Like the word "Mommy" portrays, she assumes the role of a mother to our class section in high school and meeting her in her gray habit in the afternoon of 26 October 2008 doesn't surprise me at all. Soft spoken, graceful, strict but sweet as she was 15 years ago, gave us all the impression that one day these days, she will be part of the chosen individuals who will answer their "calling" to serve the Lord.

She is now a member of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) sisters who will take her final vow on 12 December 2008 and we are invited to witness the day when "she ties the knot" with out dear Creator.

A little information about the SOLT society I gathered from their webpage.........

The first Ecclesial Team of Our Lady's Society was sent in 1975 to serve on Cagraray Island, Bacacay, Albay Philippines. From its beginnings with one priest, Fr. Tom Gier, and three lay faithful, this mission has grown to become one of the largest missions of Our Lady's Society. Our Lady's Ecclesial Teams in the Philippines currently serve in parishes in works of ministry and continued evangelization of these regions of central and southern Luzon, both on the mainland and on the remote islands. In 1999, 'Trinitas', a house of contemplation was established to be a center for spiritual renewal not only for the members of the Society but also for the diocese. Fr. Vladimir Echalas, SOLT, entered into the vision of Fr. James Flanagan to provide a place for persons to retreat to and develop greater communion with the Trinity. In the wilderness in Bonga, Bacacay, Albay, Philippines, ten acres of land have been transformed into a contemplative haven for those who seek it.

Talking to her again in the afternoon of 26 October 2008, gave us the chance to rekindle our memories of the past and we saw how thrilled she was having us as her guest in their peaceful and solemn home in Bgy. Bonga, Bacacay, Albay. There we met Father Vlad Echalas, who is very accomodating and even volunteered to be our photographer in some shots we had here. But oh, photography is his hobby so we know he enjoyed the charity work he did for us hahaha.

[pictures taken by Fr. Vlad]

We had so much fun and I think we had awaken some sleeping spirits in their monastery with our giggles and laughs.....and we are so much relieved that the Sisters joined us in our LOL-adventure in their sacred haven (sshhhh, this is a secret!) Thank you Fr. Vlad for the warm welcome, thank you Sisters for a good company and most of was good hugging you again after 15 long years, Sister Gabriela [Gabi]!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Manila Vacation: 10-14 October 2008

IBALONG Festival: 1-31 October 2008

The Ibalong Festival depicts Bicol's early beginnings as portrayed by the characters in the epic entitled – IBALONG. The name was the early nomenclature of the Bicol region. It showcases many traditional superheroes such as Handiong, Baltog and Bantong among others. The festival is highlighted by a street presentation where masks of heroes and villains are paraded on mainstreets, combined with songs and dances. Other activities include a trade fair, art exhibit, sports fest such as the triathlon, guided tours, beauty pageant and other colorful competitions.

This year’s Ibalong Festival which shall be celebrated from Oct. 1-31 promises to be more colorful and exiting than previous festivals in this tourist city as declared by Mayor Noel Rosal.

The festival coincides with the Feast of St. Raphael the Archangel, patron saint. of Legazpi Port on the 24th day of the same month.
Started by the late Mayor Imelda C. Roces in 1992, Ibalong Festival has been held yearly except in 2007 after supertyphoon Reming devastated the city and the province of Albay.

According to history, Ibalong Festival was derived from the Bicol epic Ibalong which was translated from the Spanish original into English by the late Prof. Merito B. Espinas of the Bicol University. The principal characters of the Ibalong epic are Baltog, Bantong and Handyong.

As usual, the highlights of the Ibalong Festival include the Search for Mutya ng Ibalong and the Street Dancing Competition schedules on Oct. 29 and 30 this year, respectively.


A long, long time ago, there was a rich land called Ibalong. The hero Baltog, who came from Botavora of the brave clan of Lipod, came to this land when many monsters were still roaming in its very dark forests. He decided to stay and was the first to cultivate its field and to plant them with gabi.

Then one night, a monstrous, wild boar known as Tandayag saw these field and destroyed the crops. Upon knowing this, Baltog decided to look for this boar with all his courage and patience. At last, as soon as he saw it, he fearlessly wrestled with it, with all his might. Baltog was unafraied. He was strong and brave. Though the Tandayag had very long fangs, he was able to pin down the monstrous, wild boar and break apart its very big jawbones. With this, Tandayag fell and died.

After this fight, Baltog went to his house in Tondol, carrying the Tandayag’s broken jawbones. Then, he hung it on a talisay tree in front of his house. Upon learning of the victory of their Chief Baltog, the people prepared a feast and celebrated. The very big jawbones of the dead boar became an attraction for everyone. Thus, came the tribes of Panikwason and Asog to marvel at it.

The second hero who came to the land of Ibalong was Handyong. Together with his men, he had to fight thousands of battles, and face many dangers to defeat the monsters. As warriors, they first fought the one-eyed monster with three necks in the land of Ponong. For ten months, they fought without rest. And they never stopped fighting until all these monsters were killed.

Handyong and his men made their next attack against the giant flying sharks called Triburon which had hardy flesh and sawlike teeth that could crush rocks. They continued fighting until the defeat of the last Triburon.

They tamed the wild carabaos. They even drove away the giant and very fierce Sarimao which had very sharp fingernails. And using their spears and arrows, they killed all the crocodiles which were as big as boats. With all these killings, the rivers and swamps of Ibalong turned red with blood. It was at this time that the savage monkeys became frightened and hid themselves.

Among the enemies of Handyong and his men, the serpent Oryol was the hardest to kill. Having a beautiful voice, Oryol could change its image to deceive its enemies. To capture it, Handyong tried different ways. But Oryol escaped every one of it and disappeared.

So, alone and unafraid, Handyong decided to look for Oryol in the heart of the forest. He followed the beautiful voice and was almost enchanted by it in his pursuit. Days and nights passed until Oryol came to admire Handyong’s bravery and gallantry. Then, the serpent helped the hero to conquer the monsters, thus restoring peace to the entire Ibalong.

In one of the areas of Ibalong called Ligmanan, Handyong built a town. Under his leadership and his laws, slaves and masters were treated equally. The people planted rice and because of their high regard of him, they named this rice after him. He built the first boat to ride the waves of Ibalong’s seas. Through his good example, his people became inspired and came up with their own inventions. There was Kimantong who made the plow, harrow, and other farming tools; Hablom who invented the first loom for weaving abaca clothes; Dinahong, an Agta, who created the stove, cooking pot, earthen jar, and other kitchen utensils; and Sural who brilliantly thought of the syllabary and started to write on a marble rock. This was a golden period in Ibalong.

Then suddenly, there came a big flood caused by Unos, with terrifying earthquakes. The volcanoes of Hantik, Kulasi and Isarog erupted. Rivers changed their direction and the sea waves rolled high. Destruction was everywhere. Soon, the earth parted, mountains sank, a lake was formed, and many towns in Ibalong were ruined.

Then, appeared the giant Rabot, half-man and half-beast, with awesome and terrifying powers.

People were asking who will fight against Rabot. So, Bantong, the third hero was called. He was a good friend of Handyong. He was ordered to kill the new monster in Ibalong. To do this, he took with him a thousand warriors to attack Rabot’s den. But using his wisdom against Rabot, he did not attack the giant right away. He first observed Rabot’s ways. Looking around the giant’s den, he discovered that there were many rocks surrounding it, and these were the people who were turned into rocks by Rabot.

Bantong also learned that Rabot loved to sleep during the day and stayed awake at night. So, he waited. When Rabot was already sleeping very soundly, Bantong came hear him. He cut the giant into two with his very sharp bolo and without any struggle, Rabot died, So, Ibalong was at peace once more.

To get to know more facts about the province and the city and get to know what places to visit, check this forum site>>>