Saturday, November 29, 2008

This Day and Year in History [December 3, 1976]

1976 Inflation continues to be a problem around the world. Concorde enters service and cuts transatlantic flying time to 3 1/2 hours. One year after Microsoft is formed Apple is formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. In South Africa Riots in Soweto mark the beginning of the end of apartheid. In music the first of the Punk Bands appear The Damned release New Rose classified as Punk Rock Music.


This Day in 1967, South Africa First Heart Transplant
Surgeons at the Groote Shur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, led by Dr. Christiaan Barnard, perform the first human heart transplant.

This Day in 1971, India / Pakistan War

Border battles between India and Pakistan erupt into full-scale war when jets from West Pakistan attack at least four Indian airports.

This Day in 1979, U.S.A. Who Concert

Eleven Who fans are killed and dozens are injured in a crush of people trying to get into the Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, Ohio. when thousands of fans (with first-come, first-served festival seating tickets) rush towards the locked doors when they mistook the sound check for the concert having started.

This Day in 1984, India Bhopal Chemical Accident

Thousands of people die from the effects of toxic gases which leaked from Bhopal Union Carbide Factory near the central Indian city of Bhopal. The leak also caused injuries to nearly 250,000 more with over 10,000 have since died from toxic gas related diseases. The cause of the leaks was traced to most of the safety systems not working and the deaths and injuries were caused by exposure to the highly toxic gasses.

This Day in 1989, Malta Summit Ends Cold War

The leaders of the two world superpowers, the US President George Bush and Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev declare an end to the Cold War ( The Malta summit is regarded as the official end of the Cold War ).

This Day in 1999, Space Mars Polar Lander
NASA loses contact with Mars Polar Lander shortly before it's planned atmospheric entry, the failure of the mission was blamed on a software error.

This Day in 2006, Iran Missile Testing

Iran made a show of strength by testing missiles some of which could reach Israel. The tests occurred after an American-led warship did military exercises in the Persian Gulf. Iran and the West continue to be in conflict over Iran’s nuclear power program.


Amidst the crisis and the hardships of life in a remote place in one of the provinces of the Bicol Region, a petite baby girl was born from spouses Jaime and Lemia. Named Maricel [Maria Cecilia] by her grandmother, she was raised in the simplest form of living cultured with good values of respect for other people.

A promise of a better future became feasible when the family moved into the City at the age of 5. Experiencing life’s struggles and various facets of human life emboldened her determination to reach the comfort of living through her blood and sweats.

After thirty-two years of all the hurts, all the pains that comes with all the joys and celebrations of success, the battle hasn’t ended yet. As she turns her back to the last number of the Gregorian calendar and steps into a new era of her life, her family and the people she cares for will remain as her greatest inspiration to aim for more glory in the fairest way.

To all the people I have built friendship with on the net, THANK YOU for being part of my life as I welcome the first day of my 32nd year!


Latin meaning of the name MARICEL for a girl: Full Of Grace

Spanish meaning of the name MARICEL for a girl: Variant of Marcella Of Mars. Mars was mythological Roman God of Fertility for whom the month March was named: mythologically identified with the Greek war god Ares.

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