Sunday, August 17, 2008

COME WHAT MAY [by: Ewan McGregor & Nicole Kidman]

***This is a recess while the release of Virtual Story Episodes is still on TRO pending my PMS decision to publish another or not. LOL.

COME WHAT MAY is one of Moulan Rouge featured songs which can really break your heart and strip you of your defenses against the calling of love and the wanting to be loved in return. It’s a movie I will never say no watching over and over again. A touching inspiration for all those who are in love and a hope for all those still in search of one.

Me? Oh, never mind me…I love….and will always love the thought of loving with or without a LOVER! Opposite sex says I have a tough personality to break and I’m meant to shatter their hearts into pieces rather than mine. But who are they to tell? Maybe not until they discovered that I am hopeless romantic little creature by heart and soul only coated with a thick layer of human defense mechanism against strangers and would-be heart-robbers.

Been there done that. I’ve trusted and corrupted. I’ve gambled and loss. I’ve invested and bankrupted. I’ve taken the risk and failed. I’ve expected and got frustrated. Let it be one fact of life on the virtual world that FAKERS, LIARS and PRETENDERS are everywhere. They are like predators in search of a prey. They blend themselves in a crowd of REAL and HONEST people and take every opportunity they’ll get to take you for a ride when they thought that you are defenseless and meek.

But never get the impression that I’m giving up all hopes in the matter of love and loving just because of the past. Nor the extreme notion that I will resort to coveting other women’s love interests just to produce my own happiness. I am not that desperate……yet. And guys, let me pull my leg only this time, I think in my own judgment I’m still at the prime of my life, physically passable, emotionally capable and warm bloodied mammal gifted enough to find MY OWN without jeopardizing other people’s relationship. If in case you have objection, the Complaint Desk is on the right door please, lol.

Likewise, I won’t opt to “engineer someone’s life” nor foretell what the future will bring to assure myself of a lifetime partner. Presumptions are different from predictions. Life’s always been a matter of choices so never blame destiny for any unexpected course of life you are leading to because “you are the captain of your ship and the master of your soul”. In tagalog, SUNGAY MO, sunong mo; BUNTOT MO, hila mo. [Kaya, bahala ka sa buhay mo! Hahahaha.] So, if you will let other people to run your life and impose rules over you, it’s not their fault, it’s YOURS. What’s the use of freedom and communication if you won’t raise objections and state your reasons?

Now I’m going to hush before somebody took my case over the courtroom, hehehe!!! All I want to say is, I’ve learned my lessons to be wary the hard way. That next time I fall, I should not give 100% of it all and leave something for myself as reserve capital investment next time I decide to take the risk of another venture because who else should I expect to protect my very own interests but….ME! Now, let's all be happy and gay.

Never knew I could feel like this / Like I've never seen the sky before / I want to vanish inside your kiss / Every day I'm loving you more and more / Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings / Telling me to give you everything / Seasons may change, winter to spring / But I love you until the end of time // Chorus: Come what may / Come what may I will love you until my dying day / Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place / Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace / Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste It all revolves around you / And there's no mountain too high / No river too wide / Sing out this song I'll be there by your side / Storm clouds may gather / And stars may collide / But I love you until the end of time // Chorus Oh, come what may, come what may I will love you, / I will love you Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place // Chorus

Come What May - Ewan McGregor

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