Sunday, August 3, 2008

Where is Mr. Not-so-Right?

On-Line Relationship (OLR) it sucks big-time but a fairytale turned to life for some. Fascinating stories which proves that INTERNET has truly become a modern enchanting way of meeting people from all walks of life, all races, all colors and all nationalities, paving way for east to meet west and for north to unite with south. But unlike all magical stories, not all ended happily ever after. Each and every tale is usually bounded by colorful twists of life.

Many stories had been shared and celebrated by people I have known in chat. Quite a few numbers of them are my friends whom I’ve met and inter-acted in real life. What I’m about to share is a story about a close friend of mine whom I met in the chatroom for about two (2) years ago. A fellow Filipina who is older than I am, married in status with one (1) daughter and is also living still in the Philippines.

Our online friendship started about in 2006. We met in the chatroom where I frequently stay. She and the rest of her fellow chatters are group of people whom we may refer to as “transients”, transferees from other chatroom to ours. We started sharing laugh and jokes together with the other Filipinas and non-Filipino acquaintances we have in the room after we finally bumped with each other’s elbows and finally landed in each others yahoo messenger’s friends list. Our friendship becomes closer and closer as the days go by. We usually exchange ideas and thoughts behind the scenes of the chatroom which always ended up in discussing our own private lives in and outside chat. I’ve been a witnessed in her times of sorrows and tears of her disgruntled online relationship with quite a number of guys whom we both know online and of her life in real. In return, she was there to cheer me up on the downfall of my life and patiently listening to my complaints and discontentment of both worlds.

How is she as a friend? Snob at first encounter and stubborn at times as you get to know her but over-all, she’s one sweet, thoughtful and caring lady you could ever meet online. She looks tough on the outside, but don’t let that scare nor threaten you because it’s just the outer coating of her personality. Deep within her lays a soft-hearted woman who is sensitive on issues which covers family-life conflicts and struggles. She has shallow tears which she could share with you in your times of troubles and pains.

As a mother? It’s not for me to probably talk about it because I haven’t had first-hand encounter of her real life and her surrounding as well, but isn’t it true that a real good mother can only be measured and mirrored on how good the children are? And as far as I can see, she had raised a better person in her daughter supported by a strong bond that ties them despite the bizarre relationship she has with her estranged husband, of which I won’t going to discuss farther.

And as a woman in love? She had been in love once, twice, a number of times online with someone I’ve known in chat too. The ratio must have been 1:1, that’s the number of times she falls in and the number of times she falls out of love. Most of those times I was there, to share her happiness at the height of her relationship and to join in pain in times of heartbreak. Oftentimes I told her, life’s like that. A swing of extreme emotions and you can’t get all the luck in your hands all at one time. This is a process of molding us into a better, tougher person that will make us ready to face any battle we’ll encounter and consequences of every decision we’ll make.

Right now, she’s investing into yet another venture. This time I hope, the gamble and risk she’s taking is all worth it to profit her with happiness and success with someone who deserves her attention, time and effort. If the business would mean prosperity or impoverishment….it never matters, because either way she can count on my presence to be there and share all trend of emotions that will arise in and between the investment she’s taking.

Talking about online relationships, hhmmm looks like I’m the only lost and wandering soul among my circle of friends who is alone and single, huh! My Bedmate has Fafa G, Mare has Padi, Sis Mey has Tatang JD, Kabit has Kuya G, Mate has DollarBabe, and of course Kafatid Seth has Manoy P, Manay Edith has Papa J, Pakner Grace has Papa G, Mein Schatz (Beermate) has Hubby M, Manay Jesi has a Baby already and Me has Mr. X?.

Hhhmmppppfff, isn’t destiny being unfair, waaaa!! But that’s all fine with me, like I always tell my friends, as long as I see them happy I’ll be tenfold happy for the blessing they are sharing with me. In time, I know there will be someone out there who will be loving ME, wanting ME, needing ME….it will just take a matter of patience to sort things out and plan out everything for the success of a relationship that I will get involve myself into….and this time I WISH and really DO WISH that its not just going to be ONLINE alone or not from ONLINE anymore but………in R-E-A-L!!!

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